Sunday, May 29, 2011

2011 San Francisco Carnaval Parade

The 2011 San Francisco Carnaval Parade is now a bitter-sweet memory.

Let me begin with the bitter:
It began at 7 :30 am when my very pregnant best-friend announced she would not be parading today. After parading together for 14 year, she would The news instantly broke my spirit and brought tears to my eyes, but I tried to overcome it and move on. However, later we were faced with technical difficulties involving the band and sound system. Those on the float and beyond could not hear the band that marched 20 feet ahead. Now tell me, how can any dance group perform when they can't hear the music? Lastly and the straw that broke the camel's back, metaphorically speaking, was the conduct of a fellow dancer. Her bad mood and unkind behavior left me disappointed and despondent. Carnaval, after all, is a joyous occasion in which participants show off their talent, bring pleasure and entertainment to the crowd, and simply have a great time--fun time. Bad moods and unkind behavior is not allowed. In fact, if you look closely at the San Francisco Carnaval Parade rule book, it clearly states that unpleasant and disagreeable behaviors are not allowed within 20' of the parade--really! But enough about the bitter.

Let me end with the sweet:
I looked fabulous! Of course, it was with the help of friends. For one, Dominique lent me a fabulous hot pink bikini and gloves to match my head and shoulder piece. She was also my chauffeur; I love when I don't have to drive. During the parade, Akiva consoled me (remember that my best-friend and partner in crime was not parading). Her kind words and carrying gestures brought my spirits up, allowing me to dance my ass off. At the end of the parade, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my feet did not hurt--always, always a plus--and in the afternoon, I had a great cup of coffee and closed the parade day with a great stage performance; I know it was great because other dancers (audience members) were clapping and smiling. In many ways, the parade was a great success.

Here are the pictures!
Maria Souza, director and founder of Aquarela
Me and my family
The amazing band
Silvana Sousa, choreographer of Aquarela

Saturday, May 28, 2011

E Carnaval, e samba a noite inteira!!!

Every year, we face old and new Carnaval challenges. This year's parade is not exception. With the Brazilian Carnaval (organized by Friends of Brazil) happening in March, the San Francisco Carnaval parade was put in the back burner until the beginning of April. As a result, we rushed to organize and set up the contingents, costumes, float, sound system, and stage show. To complicate matters, we also decided to parade with 2 other amazing groups organized by Conceicao Damasceno and Jorge Alabe. However, it has all been worth it.

With one night left before the parade, we have managed to again overcome adversities and make this another unforgettable parade. Without a doubt, tomorrow George Alabe will bring the crowd to their feet with a live bateria and Rene Flores will sing one of my favorite songs--"Verde e Rosa." Best of all, we have an amazing contingent. As my hubby pointed out, "They are a good looking group of people." Check out the photos!

Special thanks to:
Maria Souza for getting us a great float and working hard to make this a great parade.
Silvana Sousa for a fabulous choreography and working hard to make this a great parade.
Akiva Anders for helping with rehearsals and working hard to make this a great parade.
Molly Shannon for helping with rehearsals and working hard to make this a great parade.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just a Few More Days

It has not been a easy month but I'm near the end of all the chaos!
carnaval parade...4 days
costume for the parade...almost done
Birth of Micaela's baby...less than 1 month

With so much going on, I have not had time for my blog, which saddens me since I like regularly writing down my ideas and feelings. However, life will be back to normal is just a few days. By next week, I will have all of my school work done and will be able to concentrate on dance classes, family, friends, samba, and costumes. I can't wait!

Possible parade costume: Hot pink with hot pink legs.
By the way, I love the way Molly's bra reflects the lights and in turn bring attention to her boobs--too funny!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ice-Skating Belt

May has always been a challenging month for me. When in college, I was overwhelmed with exams and essays. As a teacher, I'm bombarded by last minute lessons, projects, exams, and essays. As a dancer, I am challenged with last minute Carnaval parade costumes, choreographies, and set-up. But family and friends serve as pleasant distractions that add on to the excitement of May.

With my niece's birthday falling in May (right around Carnaval), I decided to make her 1st samba costume! Knowing she is a great ice-skater and a ballerina at heart, I decided to call her costume an Ice-Skating Belt. Little did I know that the belt would serve many purposes. In addition to being a belt, it also functions as a crown, and she occasionally uses it to ward off her big brother (I believe it is such an affective tool that police officers are now thinking of using it instead of the Taser gun :) ). Needless to say, she loves the ice-skating belt.

Check out the pictures: