Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Brown rice and Broccoli

As a samba dancer, I have come to accept that physical appearance is just as important as my dance abilities. Really, think about it. When performing, one is not just showing off one's dance moves;  the dancer is also living up to the expectations of the audience. Thus, when out on the dance floor, I must live up to the image of the perfect samba dancer, an Amazon-looking lady who is fit, tanned, stylish, and looks great in a g-sting. Needless to say, this is not always easy, especially when I open another can of condensed milk.

To keep me motivated, I follow my "Brown rice and Broccoli" mantra. Let me explain. Before retiring, Maria Sousa, the founder of Aquarela, would attend rehearsals regularly, give us constructive criticisms, and gently say, "The Carnaval Ball is coming. So brown rice and broccoli for everyone." We always smiled but were aware that the smack down had to begin.

Unfortunately, denying myself of any food has never worked for me. Like a moth to a flame, I instantly gravitate and want what I can't have. The minute I vow to never eat red meat or open a can of condensed milk, I find myself with a plate full of churrasco or brigadeiro. I just can't do it! So, I turned "Brown rice and broccoli" into a mantra reminding me to exercise, eat right, and stay healthy.

Brown Rice and Broccoli Routines and Habits:
Rehearsal time with Dominique
After dinner and when the hustle and bustle of begin a mom is all over, I walk or job on my treadmill for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week (The number of days depends on the number of rehearsal days). The exercise clears my mind, makes me a happier person (Really, I feel positive and energized the next day), and keeps me in shape. If I miss a day, I get upset, for I really really enjoy those 30 minutes of me, Netflix, and treadmill time.

As for my eating habits, I try to follow the French. Why not? They eat cheese, bread, and wine like it's going out of style and still manage to say in shape. So like the French, I eat 4 times a day: I have breakfast, lunch, snack (usually a cup of coffee with a pastry), and dinner. On the weekends and only on the weekends do I enjoy a can of condensed milk poured over fruits, yogurt, or plain (usually the latter!). I also make a point of sitting down when eating (This can be a huge challenge when my little munchkins are around). By putting my food on a plate and sitting down, I become more conscious of what I eat and how much I am eating.

It took me a while to establish healthy habits and routines, but I am glad I did. Somehow, it all works for me and keeps me sane, happy, healthy and fit.

Beijos and enjoy your week!

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