Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Goals for the New Year 2014

Goals for the New Year
Every year, I see friends and family members set New Year's resolutions and for a hot minute, I think of doing the same. Then I remember I don't believe in them. Instead, I like to set goals, which I accomplish and then am free to set new goals throughout the year. This year, I will do the same.

For now, I have simple goals. After all, I no longer have a master's degree program hanging over my head (Yeah!). This means, I am free to enjoy my nights and weekends and no longer have to lock myself in a room and study the day away. I digress. My goals for now are to (1) enjoy those around me, (2) complete unfinished projects, and (3) plan a baby shower for a good friend and former San Francisco Carnaval Queen--no pressure!

Goal 1: Aquarela's Bring in the New Year Party
To simplify things and take away the pressure of attending another holiday party in December, we decided to celebrate in January with a Welcome the New Year Party. The event was carefree and relaxing, allowing me to have a great time with some of my closest friends and some of the best samba dancers in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Goal 2: Finish my red Carnaval bikini
It's official, red is my new favorite color. The rhinestones and swarovski stones in the bikini bring a glitz and shine to the bikini that I was never able to achieve with just beads. The headpiece is also fabulous with color that I just can't find in the American feather market.
Update: I finally finished the bikini and love it. As an added bonus, I have a shoulder piece from a previous carnaval that goes well with the costume.

Goal 3: Baby Shower
This shower thing is a great deal of work but loads of fun. I have even created a Pinterest board with my ideas and have decided that when I come back in my next life, I want to be an event planner. The time and effort that goes into planning a single event is impressive but so much fun.

FYI: You may ask why this picture. As I mentioned before, she is a SF Carnaval Queen so even her maternity photos are hot. Really, hot!

Beijos and enjoy your week!

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