Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bringing up Bebe

Vive la France!!
As a new parent for the second time, I often think about the successes and failures of the first run-through. I often ask, "Am I doing a good job? Should I do this differently?" The list of questions can be extensive.

Needless to say, I often look for information and strategies that will help me be a better parent (oddly enough, some of the information and strategies help me improve as a teacher. Something about classroom management and patience). Lately, I began reading Bringing up Bebe and can't put the book down. Pamela Druckerman, author of Lost in Translation, compares the parenting styles of French and American parents and notes differences in the behavior of French and American children. According to Druckerman, French parents are doing a great job, which leaves me to think that not only are the French great soccer players, make great fries, and sound sexy every time they speak, they are also great parents. Who knew?!?

I haven't finished the book, but have noticed reoccurring ideas: 1) talk to your kid as if he/she is a rational person who can understand and deal with concepts, b) be very firm with a few rules but give kids lots of freedom to explore, grow, and be kids, and c) don't let parenting get in the way of you being an adult. Parents also need their space, individuality, and entertainment.

From little princess to little diva!
"Whatcha looking at?"

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