Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Well-dressed Men and Slut Walks

This morning, while out in my daily walk with Caio, a well dressed and very fragrant Middle Eastern man greeted me. Instantly, the smell of his cologne and fabulous dress shoes reminded me why I love foreign men. There is something about their fashion sense that makes me want to stop, stare, and admire. They don't simply match their top to their bottom; they also make sure their dress shoes match their belt. I love it! Really, there is nothing more sexy than a well-dressed man with a matching belt :)

Since I'm on the topic of clothing, hubby recently told me about Slut Walk. Though the name is a little shocking, it is a feminist movement that calls attention to the rights of women who have been a victim of a sexual assault. Apparently, a cop suggested that in order to prevent sexual assaults, women should not dress like "sluts." Really, what was he thinking? Well, the movement is growing and now there are Slut Walks all over the world. Here is more info on the movement.

Ahhhh! The blogger site and iPad are not very compatible. The site will not let me upload photos from my iPad :( which is too bad since I have a great photo of a guy with matching shoes and belt.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Condensed Milk Addiction

I recently decided to end my four year relationship with condensed milk. It was not easy but it had to be done.

For four years, I have enjoyed a bowl of fruits with nuts/granola and a spoon full of condensed milk. Yes, it sounds healthy, but recently the spoon full of CM turned into two or three spoons and I began to feen for it (Here is a video that illustrates how I feel). My addiction became apparent Sunday night when I dipped a spoon into a can of CM, closed my eyes, and gobbled it down. Instantly, an image came to mind.  I saw myself being ambushed by my family and friends in an episode of Intervention, Ahhh!

I am now CM free and have been for four days. I feel great and an hoping to lose the pregnancy weight a little faster. But like Jenifer Lopes I can't be out of a relationship for too long. My new love and rebound is a tasty Starbuck's scone. Let's see how long this relationship will last.

Update: My abstinence from CM did not last. Yesterday, I opened a can of CM and enjoyed my favorite treat. This is going to be harder than I though and now I know why hubby says that "even s*^% tastes good with condensed milk."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mission Nigh Nigh is Working

Good Night, baby

Shhhhh,  don't tell anyone, but Caio, my two-month-old, slept from 11 pm to 5:30 am. I hope I'm not jinxing things but I'm so happy that I need to share the news!

For the past two months, I have been waking up every two to three hours to breastfeed my little munchkin. While I love the idea of breastfeeding, I am beyond tired. And while I try to sleep during the day, Caio keeps me up with his cute but non-stop grunts and shifting. Exhausted but singing a very hopeful song, I decided to move him to his room at night. Slowly but surely the move helped :). We are now sleeping so much better and I am dancing to a new tune!

"Boa noite gente"