Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Must everything be pink or blue?

Camila's Bedroom
As the delivery date approaches, hubby and I have started shopping for baby things. The problem, however, is that most things are pink or blue, girl or boy. This poses a problem at time since hubby and I chose to keep the gender of the baby a surprise (We are not the only crazy ones. Click on the article for other crazy parents). I'm under the belief that learning the gender of the baby is going to be one of the few pleasurable experiences on the day of delivery. Consequently, we are having a difficult time shopping and redecorating the kids' room.Camila and the baby will share a room. While we have tried to make it into a gender neutral room, we have failed miserably. The room is full of pink storage containers, flowers on the walls, and girly bedding. We have failed because the baby to come may be a boy (for some odd reason I have a strong gut feeling that the baby will be a mini version of my hubby--a little boy with a big butt).
Though we are not sure of the colors and style , we are set on a few decorating ideas that will help make it gender neutral:

Reading nook for Camila and the baby:
I love the idea of letting kids have a space designated for reading. I hope that by fostering positive reading habits, I'm going to set my kids up for a successful future.

Bunk beds for the kids:
Our space is limited so a bunk bed just sounds like the logical solution. Plus, it just seems so fun.

A faux polar bear rug:
I don't really have a reason for this. I just really like it.

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