Sunday, July 28, 2013

Getting Ready for a Show

Show prep time!!
Over the years, I've come to understand and except that clients want to see an Amazon-looking dancer or a dancer who oozes out Latinness (I can't believe it took me so long to figure this out!). They want the tanned skin, long and voluminous hair, impeccable makeup, and eye-catching outfit. And though I resisted this idea for some time, I have now come to accept it and embrace it. I now LOVE getting ready for a show.

Getting ready for a show takes some planning but it's always worth it. First, it's imperative that I know where I'm going to perform. I once wore flip-flops and shorts to a backyard party that turned out to be a Google company event (Some backyard party. I still cringe at the thought). Not only did I stand out like a sore thumb, but I felt like an idiot for most of the day. In knowing the location and sponsor of the event, I can then plan my look.

Though the outfits vary, I have a few musts. For one, I start with great shoes. "Why?" You may ask. I have no clue; I just love fun and eye-catching shoes. It can be a pair of heels or flats; it doesn't matter. They must, however, stand out. Next, I accessorize like there is no tomorrow. This means the earrings are bold and the bracelets are abundant. If I don't jingle (not jiggle), I'm not happy. Once the outfit is done, I work on my makeup and hair. I love big hair and believe that I, in my past life, was Rapunzel or Chaka Khan's twin sister. As for my makeup, I load up on dark, shinny eye makeup and keep my lips neutral until the show. The intense eyes with neutral lips give me a sexy and mysterious look. To wrap up the Brazilian samba dancer look, I spritz a little perfume. After all, no self-proclaimed Brazilian leaves the house without perfume; it's a cultural must. Done!

Getting ready may seem like a whole day event but it actually takes me less than 1 hour.  In the end, I feel comfortable and confident when I arrive at a show and am happy to meet the client's expectations. By God, they want a samba dancer, so I will give them one!

Show time!

Beijos and enjoy your week!

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