Monday, July 1, 2013

Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot
Aquarela has been around for over 20 years and we are known in the dance community as a strong Brazilian dance group. We have 7 San Francisco Carnaval queens and 2 kings; by far, the most number than any other group. But as with anything that has been around for a while, Aquarela now needs a facelift :) Like Dolly Parton says, "If it's dragging, nagging, or sagging, I'm going to nip it, suck it, or tuck it."

The first bill of order ended up being our photos and website, and just like Congress, it took us a LONG time to decide on the photos, costumes, place, photographer, dancers, and rational, but we DID!

Micaela and Akiva took lead in the process. Micaela, our artistic director, focused on the creative aspect of the photo shoot. She selected the costumes, brainstormed the poses, and kept us focused. Akiva dealt with David Yu, the photographer, and logistics of the shoot. Their joint efforts made the experience enjoyable, seamless, and productive. In 3-4 hours, we got all our shots and still liked each other (having 7 opinionated woman in one room for 4 hours can be dangerous).

Steps: Once we were set on a date, and photographer, the process took only a few weeks. We began by brainstorming and practicing poses. (Remember that we are dancers and not models. Put me in front of a camera and I freeze up). Deciding and practicing the poses took us two full rehearsal days and numerous emails, but it was worth it. Once the poses were set, we began working on our appearance. For the first time in my life, I got a spray tan and loved it! I also got my nails and make-up professionally done. If you have never worn false eye-lashes before, you must. With my faux tan, full-out make-up and faux lashes, I felt like Kim kardashian at one of her weddings. Lastly, we arrived on time, set the mood with a little pagode and Beyonce (I secretly sang "Kiss" by Prince when taking my individual shots. Girl gotta do what a girl gotta do), and, for the most part, had a very friendly and positive attitude (remember we were 7 opinionated woman in one room for 4 hours. It was not always harmonious, but it was always exciting). I had a great time preparing for the shoot and loved the end result.

 I can't write about the experience without taking a moment to discuss David Yu. He is an amazing photographer, who made us feel comfortable and beautiful at the same time. He, with the help of his wife Cherry, gently guided us and took the time to make sure our smiles and eyes were perfect in EACH shot. Best of all, we got to work with an amazing local photographer who understands and is actively involved in the local dance community. Thanks David. 

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