Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once a Week

Blogging Once a Week
I sure am tired. I don't know if it's a result of the pregnancy, or the demanding college courses, or the stack of essays that I must grade, or a culmination of all three. All I know is that I sure am tired.

My week plays out in the following way: Mondays and Tuesdays are fine. I am productive at work, school, and home. By Wednesday, I feel like a dementor is slowly sucking the energy out of me and only Harry Potter can save me. Thursdays are difficult; it's the white-flag-I-surrender day. Come Friday, energy slowly creeps back into my body. On Saturdays and Sundays, I recharge my batteries and am whole again--right now, I love the weekend and nap time :)

I 'm not in my pajamas. I really look this good when I'm studying.

With my not so active disposition, something has to give. Consequently, I have reduced my blogging time :( to once a week, and I hate it. I truly enjoy sitting with my laptop thinking of nothing better to do but write a blog entry about things I have no business writing about. I like adding photos, sharing my thoughts, looking at my followers, and reading my fav blogs. I really do! Oh well, I need to accept that I can't blog as often as I did, and that a once a week entry is better than nothing.

The show must go on!

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