Sunday, April 17, 2011

Aquarela's 25th Anniversary

Malandro Choreography. This was a fun choreography that I hope we use again!

Without a doubt, last night was one of the most meaningful performances of my dance career. Together with some of the San Francisco Bay Area's best samba dancers, we celebrated Aquarela's 25th anniversary. Past and current Aquarela dancers came to pay homage to Maria Sousa, founder of Aquarela, and to celebrate the group's success.

It was during our last performance that I was once again reminded of the love and care I have for Aquarela and its dancers. For the past 14 years with their help and support, I have performed, grown, and thrived as a person and dancer. During my time with Aquarela, I became San Francisco's Carnaval Queen, married an amazing man, had my first child, began my career as a high school teacher, and made lasting friendships. All was done with the support and encouragement of my Aquarela family and last night was the culmination of my 14 years with them.

The men and women with whom I've had the pleasure of performing have become a second family to me. I truly am blessed to have them in my life and know that I'm a better person because of them...Thank you Aquarela.

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