Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby-Free Day

Years ago, pre-parenthood, I asked a good friend what he and his wife did on date night (a concept I did not understand until I had kids of my own). He replied that he and his wife liked going to Macy's to look at furniture. Furniture! What happened to dancing, dinner, movies, drinks at an awesome lounge? Needless to say, I did not understand his choice of entertainment.

I'm now a parent and fully understand the trials and tribulations of parenthood. My parents kidnapped my daughter for 3 days and 2 nights. According to my childless friends, I now should be living it up, going out, enjoying life! The truth, however, is that my husband and I really miss our little Camilusca. In fact, her departure was bitter-sweet. As my father drove off with her, tears filled our eyes but the prospect of waking up at anytime and going to Macy's to look at furniture gave us a feeling of excitement.

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