Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 Things Moms Can't Live Without

As my due date approaches, I'm trying to get things ready for the new baby. After all, Camila is 2 1/2 and like the pains of childbirth, I have forgotten how it feels to have long periods of sleepless nights, extreme exhaustion, and all the great things that go along with being a new mom.

To get prepared, I began an informal questionnaire of things moms can't live without. Just to be fair to my very detailed and very statistical research, I asked a daycare provider, a first-time mom with a 6-month old daughter, and a veteran mom with a 7-year old son. Here are the results.

Every mom needs:

1. Alcohol. Yes, a glass of red wine after the baby is asleep does wonders. Please note that it's when the baby is down for the night. I'm not counting the morning and afternoon naps. Instead of a glass of wine, I personally recommend a shot of tequila. I've hear that I cures all sorts of ailments.

2. Ergo Baby. It's an amazing gadget. Much like the Baby Bjorn, the Ergo Baby allows parents to carry the baby around hands free. Best of all, unlike other similar products I have tried, the Ergo Baby does not cause back pain.

3. Nap Time. God decided to be kind when she created nap time. This is a time when kids sleep so moms and dads can regroup. I can't imagine what life would be like without it.

4. Pacifiers. When Camila was born, I strongly opposed the use of pacifiers. I was under the impression that if she cried, I needed to figure out the source of the problem and solve it. Six weeks later, I was a believer! On a normal 7 pm crying session, my husband suggested that we give Camila a pacifier. After trying everything, I gave in. OMG! The clouds parted, birds began to sing, and the household was once again quiet. The baby stopped crying.

5. Ear Plugs. When I say ear plugs, I don't mean just any old foam plug or cotton balls stuffed into the ears. I'm talking about the deluxe silicone plugs that molds to your ear. This one little thing saved my sanity and at times my marriage. On the night my husband was on call, night duty with the baby, I plugged my ears, had a glass of wine, and was out for the count. Of all the things moms can't live without, this by far is my favorite!

6. CPR Class. Throughout high school, I was in a JROTC class. In addition to learning discipline, I also learned CPR. Of course, I have retaken the class a few times after high school and I must say that I'm glad. Though I have never used the strategies I have learned, it gives me peace of mind in knowing that I am prepared.

I'm sure that I will have numerous sleepless nights, wear out my ear plugs, drink more than my share of wine, and pray that the pacifier works, but the joy of having my baby say "mamae" will be worth it.

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