Saturday, December 3, 2011

Camila's Hair

Growing up, I was not a girly girl. I played ball, cops and robbers, tag, and hide-n-seek. I wanted to be outside searching, climbing, and running. Thus, it's a huge surprise to me that my 2 year old daughter is a girly girl. She wakes up asking for her lip gloss, walks around the house with my heels, and goes to sleep with her princess brush; all things that I Purchased for her (yes, I created a monster).

Needless to say, Camila, the princess, is in the long hair phase. To make things difficult, she has beautiful brown curly hair (FYI: Disney has not gotten around to creating a curly hair princess) and loads of it--really, she has A LOT of hair. With her ringlets, we have tried numerous products to curb the frizz and tangles but little has helped until recently. We now shampoo her hair once or twice a week but we condition it daily with mommy's conditioner. The new strategy has really worked!

Camila with straight hair :)
Camila's hair after we began the new strategy.

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