Friday, December 2, 2011

On Board with Baby

The first ultrasound

Freddy and I are expecting our second child and I am now past the half way mark! While I would normally say that now there is no turning back, I think i have past that point a while ago :)

When pregnant with my daughter, I did not enjoy the pregnancy all that much. In many ways I had a difficult time accepting the changes that were happening. I did not like the fact that I was so tired, the disrupted sleep, And frequent trips to the restroom. But this pregnancy is different! I have found a remedy for all the issues that previously bothered me. I just go with the flow. If I feel tired, I take a nap; if I wake up at night, I change positions and am back to sleep; if I need a restroom, I go to one. These are simple and easy remedies that have made my pregnancy more enjoyable and positive.

Hold on, I did not stop there. In addition to accepting the changes that I'm going through, I have also decided to look cute while doing this preg thing. Check out my new haircut :)

Before the haircut. My hair was long and all one layer.
 After the haircut. It doesn't seem like a big change, but it's inches shorter and it is now full of layers...I love it!

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